Simply put, my approach is that I don’t have one.
Let me clarify. I don’t have one singular approach. You are unique, so one-size fits-all doesn’t work. As I get to know you, we’ll uncover the roadmap together, opening one door at a time. What’s behind each door will create the approach we take and the methods we’ll use—and the journey will continue to unfold as we walk through more doors.
We’ll explore questions like:
What’s mine to do in the world?
What do I want?
What matters to me?
How does my past influence my present?
How do I deal with challenges and stressors?
What gets in my way?
How quickly can I recover into balance and flow?
How connected am I to my feelings and needs?
What will help me?
How do I relate to the world?
How clearly do I see the systems around me?
How do people experience me?
The process we’ll follow may feel non-linear.
Know that we will cover the ground that’s most needed for you. I’ll bring to bear deep experience in neuroscience as well as traditional and unconventional perspectives on intrapersonal (self) dynamics and interpersonal (self and others) dynamics.
The goal of our work:
To help you see with new eyes. To be more conscious and aware. To be in greater alignment and attunement with self and others. To act and respond more skillfully.
I work with leaders at all levels.
The majority of my work is supported by the individual’s organization as a critical part of their personal and professional development. These organizations know that by investing in this one leader they are receiving an exponential return on investment through the transformed experience of everyone this leader touches.
In select situations I will work with individuals in a private pay capacity.
I also work with “systems” in a variety of capacities:
Manager-Direct Report
Leadership Teams
Functional Teams
Any form of a “system” that wants to operate more consciously